Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pole Art II

Hey Folks :) 

Minulý týždeň mi prišla správa na facebooku, že som pozvaný na víkend do Brna k mojej sesternici, že pôjdeme na kocert skupiny N.O.H.A. a druhý deň strávime maximálne produktívne. Napriek celkom búrlivej noci (to všetko kvôli tomu geniálnemu koncertu...a pivu...a Jägermeister-u), sme sa dokopali do štúdia Decadance, kde sme mali nasledujúci program:
1. Pole Dance session - opäť raz som sa odhodlal a síce to nebolelo o nič menej ako minule, vedel by som si predstaviť sa tomu venovať. Každému, kto sa teraz usmieva odporúčam jednu lekciu. Alebo stačí aj pol hodina. Daaaamn it's hard, ale za to svaly makali aj na viečkach očí.
2. Vyskúšať AERIAL HOOPS a.k.a. čo Mike zvládne a čo nie a musím teda povedať, že to stálo za to. Je zaujímavé sledovať, ako sa vaše telo prispôsobuje novým veciam, ako pomaly nachádza balance a dovolí vám pohnúť sa zase o kus vpred.
3. Urobiť nejaký pekný, jednoduchý pole dance photoshoot, z ktorého fotky sú nižšie.

Cez víkend sa konala v Prahe súťaž POLE STARS a moja milovaná sesternica Lucia Štulrajterová tam spolu so svojou kolegyňou Pavlínou Neveselou vyhrali 1. miesto v kategórii DOUBLES & GROUPS. Gratulujem kočky ! Well deserved! ;)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Touch The Light

Hey guys,

 long time no post. I'm sorry for that but I'm bringing some extras from my photo shoot with Bet B., one of the most exotic girls I've had a pleasure to shoot with. She knows exactly what camera loves so it's always easy to make a quick but effective photo shoot with her. I really love this one. It's warm, sexy and clear.
Have a look and feel free to leave a comment below.

Love and peace.


Saturday, June 21, 2014


I did this photo shoot back in May 2014 with my baby girl Tukan. Basically the idea behind the whole photo shoot was to bring back temporary tattoos hidden inside of bubble gums that we used to buy when we were younger. I still rember how cool I felt when my mom bought me one of those. I got that feeling like it's a real tattoo. I was a cool kid... damn.
Me and Tukan we had to eat like 30 to 40 gums to get those bitches out and it was quite painful but fun (try to chew 20 gums at once - not funny at all... actually it is lol).
So after more than an hour and half we were ready to shoot! So we did. 

Let me just say that this is one of the prettiest girls I know. <3

Thursday, May 22, 2014


A month ago I met my friend Simona. We were just chatting  about photoshoots and what we could do together. She came up with some very interesting ideas and I immediately fell for one of them. It was socialism.
Socialism as a social and econic system  is already behind us but when you visit houses and flats of your parents/grandparents you can still smell relics of the system. And that's what we did.
I did the photoshoot with two fashion bloggers Simona and Iveta. And we had the best time together. 
The place Sima chose was just amazing. Old, raw, full of spiders and dirty as fuck a.k.a. garden cottage. The right place for arachnophobists like me and Sima.
What I find really cool about this garden-cottage-experience is that I was able to look through 20 year old newspapers, old recordings, toys, clothes and things that actually meant something to somebody so many years ago and they haven't been touched for years because nobody cares about them anymore. They're just lying there...as a part of the history. People don't use them but they also won't throw them away maybe because these things have their own timeless value.

So this is the first part of our SOCIALISM photoshoot with a modern twist. Let us know what you think below in  the comment section. Thanks guys !

Jewellery - Femme Fashion

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Photoshoot with Cisarove Nove Saty

Two weeks ago I did this photoshoot with Simona . It was so much fun I actually can't remember a photoshoot where I laughed so hard on the set. Thanks for that Simi

I have to say that walking and posing around Bratislava is better when you have #noknickersday , right Sima? :)

Here're some photos I managed to capture with this cockycoolbad lady. Grrr!!!

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